URC :: Spirituality

broadening and deepening prayer

About the members area

This section of the web site has content that can only be seen by people who are logged in.

The Members Directory is the place for members to share information so we can contact each other. To alter your profile, click the edit your profile on the right hand side of the screen. People who offer spiritual direction or supervision can click a checkbox to appear in the publicly-visible find a spiritual director or supervisor listings.

The Groups enable people to connect with others sharing similar interests to upload documents, and see and message each other. Most of the groups have a forum associated with them. The groups are intended to bring together people with shared interests, such as those involved in spiritual direction or supervision.

The Forums enable people to post and exchange comments. Some of these are envisaged as long-terms things, such as sharing ideas about resources, and others are used by people participating in particular events.
