URC :: Spirituality

broadening and deepening prayer
United Reformed Church Spirituality articles:


Deep engagement with scripture is core to a Reformed understanding.

Within the URC there is a range of ways of thinking about scripture. Preaching is core to worship, and often described as “breaking open the word”. Some feel it is important to be led to particular passages to preach on, where others follow a lectionary — this is core to the URC Prayer Handbook, and brings the experience of “wrestling with scripture” in preaching.

In all of these is a sense of God encountered in the encounter with scripture, and a sense that we stand in a long tradition of people struggling with scripture down the ages, finding in it a way to encounter God alive and afresh in their time and place.

In this section of the web site there are some suggestions on ways of engaging with scripture, and there are others under Ways of Praying.
